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fast and powerful way to overcome acne

Acne is the main enemy for us, especially the girls, especially our age (teenagers - young adults) are potentially very easy target perhaps even to the growth medium of acne.

There are so many factors from within and outside the body that can trigger acne in the body especially the face. It is a bit of information some of the factors that trigger acne;A. Genetic

This factor is very difficult to overcome because it is a congenital factor. derived from the father or ibuk us.2.Hormon

Hormonal activity here refers to the process or cycle of hormonal changes that occur in a person. Such as puberty or adulthood, someone will produce sex hormones (male), called androgens, causing quite a bit of glands (oil glands) to add a lot and sebum (oil glands) were added many others (one cause of acne is tekhnikal) . At the time of the cycle usually menstrasi female hormonal changes will also occur which can result in acne.3.Produksi excess oil.

Produksin excess oil glands on the face to face berjerawat.Dengan menybabkan produced oil accumulated on the face, allowing the follicles and pores appear jerawatpun tersumbat.Sehingga face.4.Menumpuknya dead skin cells (Accumulation of dead skin cells)

Piling up of dead skin that accumulates will cause clogging or blockage of the follicles and pores. As I mentioned above that can cause acne because there is no way out for the oil glands and will cause the formation of blackheads. If it can be severe acne bacteria teinfeksi jerawat.Banyak who think that acne is only attacking the face, but acne can also attack other parts of the body, like in the back, chest and arms atas.Jerwat that could arise due to mixing with the excess oil dead skin cells5.Bakteri

To make matters more complicated, the bacteria normally in the skin, called p.acne, which tend to multiply in the blocked sebaceous glands, which produce substances that cause irritation to the area sekitarnya.Kelenjar continues to swell, and may be broken, then spread the inflammation to the skin that causes areas sekitarnya.Inilah jerawatbatu type most likely, the long-term leave pigmentation and scars as a permanent smallpox. Cause it is a genus Propionicbacter.6.cosmetic (make up, skin care products, soap, etc.)

The product is not in accordance with the conditions of the face can cause jerawat.Dengan use of cosmetics, the pores will tertutup.Sehingga can cause acne.

Now, of these factors can we conclude about what we can do to reduce and even prevent acne is to colonize the opportunity we face.A. Always clean your face with a cleanser that really suited to the conditions we face. (All parts of the "outdoors" always wash your face after discharge). Especially before bed, wash your face and wash again. Make sure the faces are clean. Because the night is a very appropriate time for propionic bacter colonize and get ready to build our smooth pimples on the face: P2. If you wear make-up emang hobby while at school or college. Make sure your makeup does not make a suitable and irritation. Back to number one, do not be lazy for hin persist in the face.3. -Avoid eating fatty foods, ex; especially cashew nuts, chocolate, Pedes-Pedes.4. If emang more guests and a regular acne coming so guests are opening, do not ever squeeze or rub the acne with your hands. because we are the unwitting hands of a nest of bacteria.

Although the above methods do not avail for the main factors that trigger acne, at least in ways that can PREVENT acne and minimize the possibility of colonizing us in the face

Okee thanks for read! Keep it (your face)!! :

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